We request that all members and volunteers sign up as DCNR Conservation Volunteers before participating in any work parties. DCNR Conservation Volunteers are covered by Worker's Compensation and can track their volunteer hours on the DCNR Conservation Volunteer Website. They are also eligible to receive DCNR Volunteer hats, tee shirts and or vests.
The Friends of Memorial Lake and Swatara State Parks is a federally tax exempt non-profit corporation comprised of unpaid, dedicated volunteers. The purpose for which the Friends Group has been organized is for the protection, preservation, conservation, enhancement, and the promotion of public awareness of recreational, natural, cultural, and historical resources of Memorial Lake and Swatara State Parks.
We are always doing something for the Parks!
Become a member of the Friends of Swatara and Memorial Lake State Parks
Copyright © Friends of Memorial Lake and Swatara State Parks. All rights reserved.
Donations are always appreciated to help us with projects where we need professional help and supplies.
Checks may be made to FOMLSSP and mailed to 18 Boundary Road, Grantville, PA 17028.